Saltwater Vineyard Life Groups

Do you long for community? Do you have questions about life and faith? Are you looking to grow spiritually?

Join a life group!


Sunday Morning Prayer: 8:15am at Saltwater Vineyard (Ongoing group)

We gather every Sunday morning at 8:15 for a time of prayer before the service. All are welcome as we seek God's heart for The Saltwater Vineyard Sunday service and our community during this time.

Register HERE

Located at the Saltwater Vineyard in the Pepperell Mill.


Hearing God: Tuesdays at 6:30pm in Old Orchard Beach

Using Peter Grieg's books, "How to Hear God", we will be exploring the ways we can each learn to hear God’s voice in our lives.

Lead and Hosted by Dan and Denise Pascucci

Register HERE


Study on the Book of John - Wednesdays at 6p-7:30pm (Sept. 25- Nov. 20)

Using the book Jesus, the Ultimate Reality, we will take a deep-dive into the Gospel of John, through short,easy-to-read conversations. You will discover what Jesus meant when he called himself real. You will learn the purpose and the plan of God, and why you were created, as well as your destiny. You will be introduced to the ultimate reality that exists beyond this physical world into which you were born, in which you live, and which you can see with your eye.

At Saltwater Vineyard Church in Biddeford.

Childcare is available.

Led by Tom and Camille Sammons

Register HERE


men’s group: 2nd & 4th saturdays 8:00-9:15am

Kick off your Saturday morning with a time of studying scripture, sharing life and encouragement with the guys of Saltwater Vineyard.

OCT 19th- Special breakfast with guest speaker Kyle Gabri, Site pastor of Pathway Vineyard Brunswick. 8:30-10am

Led by Darold Moxcey and Andrew Pfeiffer

Register HERE